I love this image.
It speaks a thousand words, and then some. We make our plans for change, get all the tools and resources. And, when it comes time to implement, we need support. Support from our executive champions. Support from our peers too. Encouragement and reassurance makes all the difference. The Softer Side of Implementation When you're learning a new skill or rolling out a new system, tool or process we need to think of the softer side of the implementation - how to keep our motivation up in the downtimes, connect with our peers, communicate our success, learn from failure. Because it's not always going to go well the first time, the second or the third. But the trial of the 'trial and error' makes for greater personal resilience and yields the opportunity to learn about oneself for oneself. In learning, there ought to be space for the learner to learn what works best for him / her, in addition to what works best for the organization. When I design learning programs or interventions to build capacity ( comes to mind, where I helped build a community of 18,000 educators in 120 countries), I always try to think about what the person might be experiencing before and during the change. How does this person prepare? Readiness for Change Where is the person on the continuum from doubting self-talk, one foot in, one foot out engagement to 'fake-it-til'-you make it'? How has s/he tapped into his/her personal readiness for trying something new - deciding to take the leap regardless of tossing and turning the night before. Or, are they leaping with excitement of the chance to start something new - knowing that someone cares, and is with them as a guide, a coach and resource, dare I say, an empathetic and compassionate companion. When you're thinking of rolling out a new system, tool or approach, take the time to consider that change affects people differently in visible and non-visible ways. Recognize they're probably thinking about themselves; how they fit in (or don't); and What's In It For Them - before, during and after The Change to Your Organization.. It applies to Millennials, Generations X, Y and A-Z. Rest assured. It's happening whether it's acknowledged or not. You may ignore this reality, at your peril. Or, you can make sure that reassurance, guidance and support are ready-to-go arrows in your quiver. That would be right on target.
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